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As the tech industry skyrockets, more and more people prefer to make careers in software development and software engineering. What should one expect in terms of salaries? And how much software developer salary by the country can one expect?After a comparative and analytical study on sites like PayScale, Upwork, Indeed, Glassdoor, StackOverflow to collect data about average annual salary packages per country, this information is showcased in this article in a more user-friendly and understandable way possible. The record involves developers’ salaries in the USA, UK, Australia, and Canada.[lwptoc skipHeadingLevel="h1,h4,h5,h6"]Below is a visual of the average salaries of developers in the countries mentioned above.

Average Salary of Software Developers (Breakdown according to Programming Languages)
United States of America - USA
Tech stackSalary 2017Salary 2018Salary 2019Salary 2020
Salary 2021
United Kingdom - UK
Tech stackSalary 2017Salary 2018Salary 2019Salary 2020
Salary 2021
Programming LanguageSoftware Developer Salary in Australia in 2020
Software Developer Salary
in Australia in 2021
Programming Language
Software Developer Salary in Canada in 2020
Software Developer Salary
in Canada in 2021
In-House Staff or Staff Augmentation?
In the light of the data mentioned above, you can easily understand why finding and recruiting an in-house development team is a time-consuming and costly practice. In a post-COVID era, outsourcing is becoming a new norm as more and more companies are gearing up for IT outsourcing.Staff augmentation is based on hiring many developers for a certain period or developing a particular project segment. It offers an opportunity to extend the existing human resource. The outsourced team members work with the in-house employees, sharing their skill set, experience, and knowledge, offering different viewpoints, escape routes, and solutions for different problems and deadlock scenarios.Upon choosing staff augmentation, your company will focus on more crucial aspects of a business and hire software developers with the necessary skillset required in the ongoing project.Some of the primary benefits of Staff augmentation include:
- No recruitment burden
- Fewer operational costs
- Fewer development costs
- Less legal burden
- Access to the rare and suitable specialists
- Control on your side (As compared to that Project Outsourcing in general and Managed Services)
As per the statistics mentioned above, the USA is a utopian setting for software engineers, with the average software developer’s salary in 2021 reaching $110,638. It reveals that the US software developer’s salary per month is $9,219, followed by Australia, Canada, and the UK. Junior developers in the USA are paid $103,382 a year, while senior software engineers with 5-10 years of experience enjoy the perks of having a $121,488 annual salary. Keeping in mind the above-mentioned alary models, as a business owner, Staff Augmentation services are ideal for your project scaling when a particular skill set is required, and your in-house employees cannot find all the solutions. In such a case, the external team will fill in the voids. This temporary and to-the-point engagement turns out to be a cost-effective and flexible strategy. Let us know your views on the average salary of software developers in the USA, UK, AUS, and Canada in the comments section below.